Contemporary Postcolonial Theory A Reader Pdf

Contemporary Postcolonial Theory A Reader Pdf


Contemporary Postcolonial Theory A Reader Pdf

post-colonial and feminist theories have been particularly affected by marxist theory. and marxist theory has had a lasting influence on these disciplines. for example, postcolonial theory is a branch of literary theory, specifically feminist theory. while the literature of the colonial era has been of interest to postcolonial theorists, the literature of the marxist era has been the most influential of the three eras of literary history. post-colonial theorists and feminist theorists are not interested in the political and economic causes of colonialism, but in the way that literature constructs ideas about the nature of the nation and the place of women in it. marxist theories are thought to be too reductionist in the way they reduce all culture to economic structure. post-colonial theory is founded on the idea that colonialism has a continuing influence on culture. feminist theory, on the other hand, is defined by the political participation of women. both marxist and post-colonial theories give weight to the power of certain groups of people and the repression of others. but marxist theory tends to see power as a material force, not a human one.

critical theory is particularly interested in discourses of power, such as race, gender, and sexuality. critical theory is influenced by marxism, since marxism as a system of thought is concerned with social inequalities and the way that power is exercised. however, critical theory is more concerned with the construction of those inequalities. critical theory uses radical tactics, such as deconstruction and the construction of alternative systems of thought. critical theory’s methods often include bringing forward the contingency of language. critical theory encourages its adherents to understand themselves as members of the oppressed groups that critical theory seeks to help. critical theory is interested in the social construction of knowledge; it is concerned with how knowledge is disseminated in society. in a critical theory perspective, knowledge is important not in the way that it is reproduced, but in the way that it functions to reproduce inequality and domination. in fact, critical theory is interested in how knowledge is used, not just the content of knowledge.

saids book was read by a host of theorists, from gayatri chakravorty spivak to homi bhabha, and others. these thinkers were highly critical of saids attempt to ground a new theory of power, and raised their own objections to the applicability of the model of orientalism. critics like homi k. bhabha and gayatri chakravorty spivak pointed out that the concept of the orient as a vast, predominantly non-european space had been shaped by and defined in opposition to the wests claims to universal reason. these critics pointed out that said had simply ignored the fact that many of the most significant european thinkers, such as kant and hegel, had themselves written about the orient.
in the field of literary criticism, postmodern theories have remained highly controversial. the term postmodernism refers to a range of theoretical approaches, that appeared in the 1980s, that denigrate traditional critical approaches in favor of a more complex and contextualized notion of the text. in the u.s., the frankfurt school in particular, while lacking a united position on the nature of art and literature, challenged the primacy of “high” culture, and the value of the critical and theoretical tradition in the humanities. lentricchia’s after the new criticism (1981) and williams’ the country and the city (1975) argued for a reconception of modernism as a historical phase that was now over. recent examples of postmodern literary theory include the work of the american carolyn korsmeyer, linda hutcheon and steven connor.
a number of theories, especially those influenced by structuralism, have been developed to explain the relationship between the various elements of text, especially verbal and visual elements, and to explain the processes of interpretation and of criticism. the term semiotics, coined by ferdinand de saussures, describes the theory of signs, which is usually considered the theoretical foundation of literary theory. an important early application of semiotics to literary theory was the work of the french literary critic and semiotician roland barthes in the late 1950s and early 1960s. barthes contention that the distinction between text and its interpretation was a false dichotomy, and that the very possibility of “narrative” text depended on the presence of a reader, and that the very distinction between text and interpretation was a false dichotomy, and that the very possibility of “narrative” text depended on the presence of a reader, is now widely accepted in literary theory. the american critic john biguenet offers a critique of theories of art, and a call for the formation of a general theory of aesthetics.

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