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The Complete Reference Php 52 Pdf Free Download

52. among the many different works of mercy, the promise of new life in christ is undoubtedly the most precious and immediate one. here, the church is present in the baptismal waters, ready to help those who are reborn into christ and to present them to the father in the holy spirit. all the baptized are called to live daily in the joy and power of the holy spirit. in the light of that faith, they will appreciate the kindness of god, who loves to give life to all those who are called. they will have true freedom and security in their spiritual and material needs. they will understand that the foundations of their lives are laid down not by themselves, but by the living god himself. they will increasingly recognize the overwhelming mercy of god the father in the love shown them by christ. now free from all human malice and need, they will increasingly experience the joy of the privileged and all the beneficiaries of the holy spirit. they will recognize in the light of their faith, that it is not the citizens who rule, but the living god himself, who is faithful to the very end.

52. one of the results of the spirit s work in us is the transformation of the way we look at things. this is shown in a concrete way in our dealings with others. one of the first signs of being a christian is the gift of self. everyone understands that everyone is gift, that everything is good, that all can be helped. we do not simply accept reality, but we affirm it. we recognize that all can be enlightened, given freedom and released from their burdens. in the process of change, a fundamental perspective is formed. god s other image becomes clearer in us. it is his glory to shine more brightly than any created thing. it is his voluntas which enables all to become free and holy as they walk along the pilgrim journey. this is how the world is transformed. for us, those who are called to be imitators of god, all of this is a challenge to take up the option for the poor, which today is the only way of being true to jesus christ and the good news.

201. this is the basic attitude that must form the bedrock of every church renewal. renewal ought to proceed in concentric circles. at the centre there is the kerygma. this brings about a deeper transformation of those who hear it, helping them to live better from day to day and allowing them to be more integrated with the body of christ. in this way an ever greater authentic sharing grows among all those who belong to the church. a new attitude towards life has now been re-established. a new hospitality towards others has spread. this mentality of hospitality restores a balance between father and son, between us and the others. it is the unity of the family of god, in which jesus christ is in the father, in the holy spirit and in the church. at this level a deeper and more authentic love reveals itself.
222. in this process, the multiplication of models of faith must be avoided. models have a clear advantage as they make a visible sign of the faith by simply opening up a way to spiritual realities. models are always seen more clearly if they are perceived in a positive light. but they also have a disadvantage if they create false expectations.
52. today, the church is more aware than ever of the importance of continuing to maintain the key lines of continuity with what has been handed on by the lord and his disciples; she therefore seeks to preserve and transmit them. but this awareness can also become excessive and lead to a kind of spiritual autism. the church herself is often confused on this point: she is struck with some of the symptoms of this ailment, and she seeks to treat these symptoms, but she often does not recognize the disease from which they come. this is happening even today, and it is happening particularly in those places where the churchs wisdom is usually most respected, and where it can exercise its greatest influence. the church must therefore be vigilant to prevent this problem from arising, which would have grave consequences for the entire ecclesial edifice if not promptly addressed. the problems currently facing the church are not of an entirely new nature; rather, they reflect the result of a continuous process of maturation. pastors must bear this in mind if they wish to promote the spiritual well-being of their parishioners. they must help them to experience the joy of the lord in their daily lives, that is, the joy of the children of god, of the saints, and of the whole church. the joy of the lord is the joyful experience of the kingdom of heaven, and consequently it is a joy for all. thus, the joy of the lord makes us sharers of the joy of the father, the ultimate and first joy of all. let us, therefore, rejoice, that he who is the source of all joy has brought joy into the hearts of us all. let us rejoice, that he who is the source of all joy has brought joy into the hearts of us all. let us celebrate the joyful fact that the one who is the giver of all things has laid hold of us all by his love and has raised us up. the one who is love has delivered us into his hands, and his is power over all things.

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