Web Filter Rk 4.4.2 Serial


Web Filter Rk 4.4.2 Serial

the data are partitioned into sets of fixed size, such that each set is processed in parallel by a serial partition consisting of multiply accumulate and a multiplexer. here, a set of serial partitions operate in parallel with respect to each other but process each data set sequentially to accumulate the result corresponding to the data served. the final result is produced by summing up the results of each serial partition.

we can also perform a serial partition in any of the data flow directions, which implies that the input and output data are in different data sets. in this case, we will only need a data set that collects the result of all the operations. this data set will be filtered out when the final result is available.

after creating the first header, the program will generate a header file for the filter. the generated code starts with a “define” keyword. this allows the program to define a new generic type name, set the filter length to 44 (the effective filter length), and set the filter mode to serial.

the 'folding_factor' values in the first column represent the serial partition folding factor. for the first filter length, this is 1. the types are defined in the source file hdlfilter.h, and are described below.

if the property 'serialpartition' is not specified and 'reuseaccum' is specified as 'on', the decomposition of taps for serial partitions is determined internally. this decomposition minimizes the clock rate and reuses the accumulator logic. for this audio filter, the serial partitions are [11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 3]. note that it uses 11 serial partitions, implying 11 multiply accumulate circuits. the clock rate will be 13 times the input sample rate, 573.3 khz.

The configuration file is the central mechanism for web administrators to create and configure filters. Configuration files are XML documents that contain information about the filter. Their contents are accessible to web servers and clients. The server reads the contents from the file and applies them.
The module filter defines a set of permissions. It is meant to limit the access that users have to Java classes or packages. It is an alternate to security-related packages and classes. In contrast to a package filter, it does not accept or deny classes. It accepts classes with specific permissions specified in a property.
A module filter can be used to limit the access that users have to a specific number of classes. For example, you can have several classes that are for internal use only. Module filters can specify whether a permission is allowed or not for a specific class, package, or module. It contains a property allowedPermissions with all the classes of the target that this module will be allowed for.
The servlet or filter pipeline consists of one or more layers. The FilterMapping and FilterChain classes describe the layers of a pipeline. A filter implements the Filter interface. A filter is associated with a mapping or a chain using a specific application- or context-specific naming convention. The first filter in the pipeline is specified in the init() method, and the next filter in the chain is the first one in the hierarchy.
The same filter will always be called in a multi-threaded environment. To avoid accidentally changing state of the filter in one thread or another, you should initialize the filter in the init() method.


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