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AutoCAD basics – The basics of AutoCAD for beginners. What is AutoCAD and how does it work? What is the difference between AutoCAD and other software? More AutoCAD tutorials

AutoCAD helps you design, visualize, simulate, and manage 3D objects. It is used by engineers, architects, landscape architects, civil and mechanical engineers, and by anyone who needs to create, model, and document 3D objects.

AutoCAD features include the following:

Draw any 3D shape from scratch using geometric primitives.

Use various 3D modeling tools to create individual 3D objects, including AutoCAD 3D objects, and to edit and manipulate 3D objects.

Draw geometric and non-geometric surfaces in 2D and 3D.

Create and edit 2D drawings in 3D.

Convert 2D and 3D objects into STL (standard tessellation language) format for use in 3D printing.

Create and edit raster image data files, and prepare them for print.

Control paper path, importing and exporting.

Track drawings.

Create and manage drafting entities.

Start, stop, and resume projects.

Catch up on project progress.

Manage drafting units.

Create and edit technical drawings.

Automate repetitive tasks.

Draw using the Unified Modeling Language (UML).

Share project with other designers and engineers.

Convert ASCII text files to and from PDF files.

Create and edit templates.

What is AutoCAD?

AutoCAD is a professional-level, computer-aided design (CAD) software for architects, engineers, and other technical drawing users. AutoCAD is also used for creating engineering drawings for technical products. AutoCAD is used in a wide range of engineering disciplines, such as civil, architectural, mechanical, electrical, landscape architecture, landscape planning, and interior design.

AutoCAD is available for both the Windows and Mac platforms. AutoCAD was originally designed for use on IBM PCs, but it has since been extended to support many platforms and operating systems, such as Windows, Mac, and Linux. AutoCAD is available in different models and types, depending on your needs. AutoCAD LT is designed for beginners and the casual user. AutoCAD LT is free for non-commercial use,

AutoCAD Free Registration Code [March-2022]

A number of companies and academic researchers developed a set of programming tools to customize and extend the functionality of AutoCAD. AutoLISP is a general purpose, platform independent programming language. If AutoLISP is used, it must be installed by the customer prior to running the software, and the software must be run in either AutoCAD or AutoLISP. The.NET Framework is used for programming in Visual Studio. AutoCAD and AutoLISP versions are identical. AutoCAD has a VBA, Visual Basic for Applications, component. ObjectARX is a class library that can be used as a scripting language in AutoCAD. ObjectARX can be used to create plugins for AutoCAD. The Visual Studio plug-in (.NET) for AutoCAD is included with Visual Studio 2008, AutoCAD 2009, AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD LT 2010, AutoCAD 2012, AutoCAD 2013 and AutoCAD 2015. This can be used to write plugins. The AutoCAD Architecture Extension, which is bundled with AutoCAD Architecture, provides an interface and set of libraries for building Autodesk Architectural Desktop (ADT) extensions. To compile these extensions, customers use AutoCAD’s Developer SDK.


AutoCAD was originally written on a DEC VAXstation 5150 Unix workstation in 1989 by Jacob G.S. Olsthoorn (now “Jim Olsthoorn”) and later ported to the Alpha machine. In early 1990, the first version of AutoCAD was released to academic users in the public beta period.

On March 16, 1996, AutoCAD was formally released to the public.

A number of improvements have been made since the release of AutoCAD 1.0 in 1996, including the ability to use AutoCAD for drafting. More drafting features were added over the years, including the ability to import and export PDF files.


AutoCAD LT is a variant of AutoCAD, that offers only the features of standard drawing and drafting. It is designed for users that want to do drafting and/or are on a budget. AutoCAD LT is available for the Windows, Macintosh, and Unix operating systems. It was created by Autodesk, as a version of AutoCAD for schools, businesses and governments. Its main use has been in the US education market. In this market, AutoCAD LT is often bundled

AutoCAD Serial Key [2022-Latest]

Enter License Key or Serial Key
Open the game and click on “Get Steam” button in lower right corner.
Right click on the game, click on “Properties” and enter your serial number.
Click on the “Install” button.

Source the game and don’t forget to run “Autocad Error Fixer” tool.

You can use Autocad 2017 for free for 7 days with trial key.

Autocad 2015 is stand-alone program, you can install it directly and open your autocad solution for free.


External links
Official Site
Makers of Autocad Official Site

Category:CAD software
Category:Free and open-source software
Category:Companies based in Camden, New Jersey
Category:1998 software

What is the most efficient way to subtract two dates in R?

I am trying to subtract the following dates:
date1 = 5/10/2017 – 5/11/2017
date2 = 5/13/2017 – 5/15/2017

My dates are in character format and I have tried converting them to Date but I am getting the following error:
df = data.frame(date1, date2)

Error in as.POSIXlt(x) :
data given were in a non-standard time zone and are assumed to
be in UTC in the output. Check if your data are in UTC as
POSIXlt::POSIXct(x, tz = “UTC”) can be used.

The code I have written:
df$date1 = as.Date(df$date1, “%m/%d/%Y”)
df$date2 = as.Date(df$date2, “%m/%d/%Y”)
df$date1 – df$date2

I have also tried:
df$date1 – df$date2


You could use -, to make it work:

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Understand the connection between your files and CAD history: You can now manage and compare CAD history from multiple CAD applications. When you edit and update a drawing in AutoCAD, Office 365, or Enterprise Architect, your changes are automatically sent to multiple CAD systems and stored in different CAD history groups. (video: 7:14 min.)

Design and coding:

Study source code and look up technical terms directly within the Ribbon. The technical terms list has been rebuilt to make it easier to use and provide consistent information on the same terms across the Ribbon.

The Control and Model Browser has been completely rewritten. The Control and Model Browser displays a new look and feel that now provides a better navigation experience. The zoom level of the Control and Model Browser can now be selected to suit your preference.

Linking to 3D models in the Control and Model Browser is now significantly faster. The new linked view technology helps users focus on the view that matters most, while loading only the parts of the 3D model that are relevant.

User experience for adding, deleting, and copying objects:

You can now directly perform operations that were previously performed by hovering over a command. For example, you can now directly add, delete, or copy objects without hovering over the command. (video: 1:15 min.)

You can now access the Icons view from the Quick Access Toolbar. In the Icons view, the Icons are divided into categories, which can be customized.


The Ribbon now allows you to customize buttons and menu options in a more flexible way.

The Refine Feature, which is used for cleaning up the workspace and converting points and curves, has been enhanced to be more effective and intuitive. The Advanced Refine tools now provide more flexibility.

The Automate button has been replaced with two buttons, “Add” and “Copy.”

The “Export” menu option can now be used to export data.

The “Help” button has been added to the View menu to help you find the help topics that are relevant to your design.

The shortcut keys of the Commands on the Quick Access Toolbar are now more convenient.

“Edit Text” tool has been added to the Draw command.

The “Minimize” and “Maximize” tools have been added

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Game Version:
Famitsu Released:
Oct, 2019
Official Website
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