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AutoCAD 23.1 Crack [2022]

A typical animation model, consisting of wireframe and scene data, includes model, frame and data components. Model components include line, curve, surface, solid and group data. Frame components include keyframes, control points, interpolation points and views. Data components include camera frames, animation tracks and object categories. Additional components include plugins and views.

[Click image to enlarge]

A scene data component is analogous to the elements of an animation model and represents the geometry of a set of frames in a single scene. Scene components include line, curve, surface, solid and group data. Each frame has a keyframe at the start and end of the frame sequence, and also typically includes an interpolation point and a camera frame. Camera frames represent the positions of an independent camera in a 3D space at a particular frame in the sequence, and they can also represent a control point in the sequence, or a keyframe or an interpolation point. Animation tracks are defined to describe the behavior of objects and actions. Object categories are used to describe the type of object (i.e., character or building) that appears at each frame in a scene.

Three major goals are served by AutoCAD. The first goal is creation of a 3D, geometric model of a real-world object, including: design, design rules, review, print and publish. The second goal is to automatically edit the 3D model to produce a 2D drawing representing the 3D model. The third goal is to perform any editing of the 2D drawing, as well as to create the 3D model, which produces the edited drawing.

[Click image to enlarge]

The basic element of a 3D drawing is the block. The block represents a set of geometric primitives (called geometries) within a 3D space. The user can create, edit, combine and change block types and assign geometry to blocks. The user can associate blocks with each other by means of block connections, so that blocks are related to each other in a hierarchical manner. Block connections are visually represented by block connectors. Each block is defined by a set of block parameters. The user can configure block parameters by using an interactive or a batch editor to define properties. A set of named entities (objects) are automatically created for each block or part of a block, and they can be associated with each other by means of links.

[Click image to enlarge]

A group is defined by the user as a collection

AutoCAD 23.1 Crack + With Registration Code [March-2022]

Client applications for AutoCAD

AutoCAD Remote Workplace is a client application that enables remote collaboration between a user and a “remote collaborator” using the Internet. An AutoCAD DWG/DXF is sent to the remote user, who can manipulate it, and then send the resulting image back to the AutoCAD. This capability allows multiple users to work together on the same drawing and share a state of the drawing at the same time. It was released in November 2000.

Client Access Interface

A GUI interface for creating, manipulating, and sharing files in AutoCAD

AutoCAD Map is a map-making program that allows users to draw a map based on geographic data. It provides tools for creating and editing maps, supporting orthographic, isometric, and other map projections. One of the most noteworthy features of this application is its ability to import XML, GML, and OGC-based map layers.

Client Utilities

A series of utilities that are not incorporated into the software itself, but are designed to aid the user in his or her work. These include Translator, Interact, and Graphical Layout.


A geo-database software application for the Autodesk DWG, DXF, and DWF file formats


AutoLISP is a third-party, proprietary language that provides direct access to the Autodesk API. AutoLISP files have a.AutoL file extension.

Visual LISP

Visual LISP is a proprietary Visual LISP programming language. It can be integrated with AutoCAD to create visual programming applications.


Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a proprietary programming language for Microsoft Office applications that can automate Microsoft Office. Visual Basic for Applications is part of Microsoft Office, and can be used for a wide range of tasks. Visual Basic for Applications is often called “VBA” and “macro” for short. The VBA language is intended to be as simple as possible, but powerful and flexible.


.NET is a proprietary framework developed by Microsoft. It allows programs to be written in a.NET Framework language and deployed as a binary with a “.DLL” extension. Although a number of.NET languages have been developed, the most prominent is the C# language. The.NET Framework includes a set of class libraries that enable a program to use its own

AutoCAD 23.1 With License Code

Generate the key using the keygen: Autocad keygen.


** Credits to the creators of the keygen, you guys rock!


Resolution failure of VideoCapture on Raspberry Pi

The following python code runs fine on Windows 7, but not on a Raspberry Pi.
In particular, it is only possible to get a resolution of 1920×1080
import cv2

cam = cv2.VideoCapture(0)

# Wait for the window to pop up

# Cancel the window pop up

# Read the frame as 1920×1080
ret, frame =
cv2.imshow(“frame”, frame)

# Save the frame to a.png file
frame = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
cv2.imwrite(“frame.png”, frame)

# Pop up a window to show the progress

# Save a web URL to capture more frames.
http_url = “”
cam = cv2.VideoCapture(http_url)

# Loop until the window is closed
while (1):
ret, frame =
if (ret == True):
cv2.imshow(“frame”, frame)
if (ret == False):
print “Error”



Based on the comment above, you’re doing something that is at least a little bit convoluted. It might be easier just to open an http request to whatever URL you want and then create a cv2.VideoCapture with that URL.
import cv2

import requests

url = “”

r = requests.get(url)

video = cv2

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

The key feature is the ability to import markup from other documents and mark up your own drawings on the fly. By exporting markup to other CAD systems (like DWG and DXF), you can import it into AutoCAD. Or, make changes to your drawings and instantly incorporate those changes into your latest drawings. This makes it easy to keep track of your changes in different projects.

Directed View:

Select lines and blocks more quickly with a new editing mechanism. Drag to create a guide, use the keyboard to navigate the view, and even use predefined guides to save time in large drawings.

Get more information and try the latest release of AutoCAD

Get the latest AutoCAD release for Windows (available today), and read a new release note about the new features. To learn more about the latest updates and get an overview of the new features, download the latest preview release here.

Can’t wait until AutoCAD 2023?

Discover the latest AutoCAD 2023 by checking out the new features and what’s new in AutoCAD 2023.

Check out the release notes

See the release notes for AutoCAD 2023 for information about the new features and any known issues and how to work around them.


Check out the latest Windows, Mac, and Linux downloads.


Follow @autocad on Twitter and get real-time notifications when there are new news and updates for AutoCAD.

Download AutoCAD 2023installConfig

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Windows 10 / macOS
NVIDIA GTX 970 or AMD R9 290 / AMD R9 290X / AMD R9 Fury or higher / Intel i5-760 or higher
Sonic VR for iOS (optional, not required for play or save the game to the cloud)
Sonic VR for Android (optional, not required for play or save the game to the cloud)
2 USB 3.0
Laptop / Desktop computer
Device Compatibility:
Device Compatibility

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