AutoCAD Crack With License Key Free Download [Mac/Win] [Latest] 2022







AutoCAD 20.1 Crack License Code & Keygen Free Download

One of the best-known features of AutoCAD, particularly among architects and landscape architects, is the ability to produce 2D and 3D drawings that are proportional. Creating a proportional drawing is the process of combining lines to make parts of a drawing that are proportional to each other.

Proportional drawing can be achieved by using rulers or guides. AutoCAD includes tools to create guides that are proportional. For example, you can use the Draw Guide tool to add linear guides, which you can scale in proportion to the object that they are used on, or the Right-Click/Draw guides that are proportional.

The most frequently used proportionals are:

The horizontal distance between guides, called the Guidespace

The vertical distance between guides, called the Linespace

The distance between the top, bottom, left and right of a drawing object, called the Height or Heightspace

In AutoCAD, you can also use AutoLISP to make a drawing proportional. In this tutorial, we will look at how to make a proportional drawing using AutoLISP. This article is part of a series of articles about Autodesk products in general, and AutoCAD in particular.

[Get the tutorial now]

Why are Proportions Important?

Proportional drawings are an important part of any project.

Whether you are designing a 3D model for a structure or setting up a plan for a building, it is essential to have a uniform structure so that objects can be repeated in a consistent manner. The same ratio between parts of the drawing also makes the overall drawing more consistent.

Getting started

Creating a proportional drawing in AutoCAD is very simple. Let’s get started.

STEP 1: First we need to find the height of the objects that we want to keep uniform. To do this, we need to use the Select tool and create a rectangle. Create a rectangle on the screen using the following settings:

Click once on the left-hand side of the screen to create a rectangle.

Click once in the middle of the rectangle, and drag in a direction of either the horizontal or vertical axis.

Click once again in the bottom right corner of the rectangle to create the bottom right corner of the rectangle.

Click once in the top-left corner of the rectangle to create the top-left corner of the rectangle.

Click once in the bottom-right

AutoCAD 20.1 Crack + For Windows [Latest]

For technical details of AutoCAD’s drawing formats and technologies, see Drawing data of AutoCAD

AutoCAD 2000 through 2010 have supported Local Database Connectivity (LDBC). This allowed, for example, the use of AutoCAD as a database for a Microsoft Access database. This type of functionality is no longer available in AutoCAD 2011 and later.

Application Programming Interface (API)
AutoCAD’s native application programming interface is the native API. AutoCAD currently supports the native API through the Visual LISP, Visual C++, COM/DCOM, and VBA programming languages. These APIs have similar features and programming techniques. The native API also supports LISP programming techniques in AutoCAD.

In the native API, you use LISP to declare the objects, functions, and variables you want to use in your code. You can use variables, functions, and objects either inside a drawing or from outside a drawing.

An API reference that describes what each object and function can do is available online.

History of the native API

The native API was introduced in AutoCAD Release R7 and was originally known as the “Standard”. In later releases, the Standard API was renamed the “Visual LISP”, and is no longer considered the native API.

The Visual LISP API was first introduced in AutoCAD Release R7 and was always available in AutoCAD. It was originally developed in response to the needs of VBA users, but now most VBA developers use the COM/DCOM API.

In AutoCAD Release R14, the visual LISP API was renamed to “Visual C++”, and was available only in the native code compiler.

Starting with AutoCAD Release R14, the native API and Visual C++ API were separated. In AutoCAD Release R14, the native API was introduced in the “Visual C++ for Developer Tools”, while the Visual LISP API was still available in AutoCAD, and was only available in the native code compiler.

In AutoCAD Release R15, the native API was also separated into a new “Visual Studio 2008 for Developer Tools” and a new “Visual C++ for Developer Tools”, while the Visual LISP API continued to be available only in AutoCAD, but also available in the native code compiler.

The Visual Studio 2008 for Developer Tools and Visual C++ for Developer Tools APIs were

AutoCAD 20.1 Crack

Go to the main menu and select:File / Open.
Click on the keygen
Click the Generate key option.

Using the file
Go to the Autocad Design or Autocad.exe
Click on the keygen.
Click “Export Key”.
Copy the key.

Go back to the main menu of the Autocad program.
Click on the File / Export menu item.
Paste the key in the box at the bottom.
Click the “Save” button.

See also
Autodesk Inventor
Autodesk Forge
Autodesk 3D Warehouse
Autodesk Alias
Autodesk Fusion 360
Autodesk Inventor Viewer
Autodesk AutoCAD


External links

Category:3D graphics software
Category:Visual programming languages
Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:Computer-aided design softwareQ:

.NET MVC Controller Return Value

I am writing a ASP.NET MVC3 application, in which I use a controller action to return a view.
The action is
public ActionResult Json(string[] requiredFields)
var fieldMissing = new List();
var empty = new List();
var requiredFields = new List();

foreach (var field in requiredFields)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field))

return Json(fieldMissing, empty);

I’m trying to return the value of fieldMissing and empty list to the view using the following
@model List
var fieldMissing = Model.Where(m => m.StartsWith(“Required_”)).ToList();
var empty = Model.Where(m => m.StartsWith(“”)).ToList();

But the view doesn’t recognize the list

What’s New In AutoCAD?

The Markup Assist function now allows you to select the variant’s profile within the Markup tab and lets you quickly apply the profile to your drawing. (video: 1:04 min.)

New Sketch and Dimension styles have been added to the Underline, Outline, and Freehand styles. These styles now provide more control and reduce the need to add hidden AutoCAD objects. You can also add extra space at certain locations. (video: 1:26 min.)

Rapid Linework:

In AutoCAD, you can now draw lines as rapidly as you can type. (video: 1:00 min.)

A new, faster, keyboard shortcut option for the Align command that aligns using the selected lines. (video: 1:36 min.)

Copy and Paste:

The Paste option in the Copy and Paste toolbar now saves you the effort of using the Paste tool each time. Simply click the Paste tool icon and you will be presented with the exact settings used to paste the drawing or a new copy of it. (video: 1:00 min.)

You can now reverse the Paste settings for a single drawing. Just click the Paste tool icon again and select Revert Paste. (video: 1:14 min.)

Make sure you know your tools:

The Tool Options button in the Options dialog has been moved to the top of the main Options dialog. This makes it easier to find the Tool Options button, especially on large screens.

Add a new method to the Quick Dimension dialog to quickly add and align text to the dimensions. (video: 1:22 min.)

Select the Add Dimension or Add Text tool and the Insert tab will now be displayed. This allows you to quickly choose which object to add dimensions or text to. You can also use the context-sensitive Help system, or refer to the Insert tab documentation.

You can now enter positive or negative decimal values for the Elevation property. The arrow buttons above the number pad (0-9) have also been replaced with quick-value number keys for ascending or descending, as well as their corresponding positive and negative decimal equivalents.

You can now change the location of a text object’s baseline when using the Dynamic Baseline command. Just click on the text object and use the Baseline button to place the baseline. If you want to revert to a previous baseline, use

System Requirements:

3.0 GHz or higher CPU
512 MB RAM
Windows 10 64-bit or later, Mac OSX 10.12.x or later
Free hard drive space of 250 MB
Internet connection
Step-by-Step Guide
Installing Node.js 10
Install Node.js 10
Open your terminal and type:
# curl -sL | sudo -E bash –

M. Kamal CPA P.C.
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