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Descargar Libro Parasitologia Botero Pdf 42
Descargar Libro Parasitologia Botero Pdf 42Ahmadinejad: The world is deceived

Iran’s president says the US, Europe and Israel have sought to fool the world into thinking the Islamic Republic is on a course of “peaceful nuclear power”.

12 May 2010 07:52 GMT

Iran has called Israel the “new apartheid state” in a rare statement from President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad [AFP]

“They (the West) make a big noise about stopping the Iranian nuclear programme,” Ahmadinejad said. “They have invested billions of dollars, and they have even deceived the world.

“They have spent billions of dollars on their evil project and are now trying to deceive the world, the world which supports them and which promotes their programme.”

‘New apartheid state’

The comments come as a UN report showed Iran was enriching uranium.

The International Atomic Energy Agency says Iran’s nuclear activities could lead to the development of a nuclear weapon in five to 10 years.

Israel has warned of a possible military strike against Iran’s nuclear programme.

On Monday, the UN’s nuclear watchdog, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), said that even as Iran has frozen some key nuclear activities and reached some “significant milestones” in pursuing nuclear energy for peaceful purposes, it is nevertheless failing to address all outstanding issues and keeping uranium enriched to 20 per cent or higher in its centrifuges.

An IAEA report showed in September that Iran had tested a medium-enriched uranium device of previously unknown design, adding to fears about its nuclear programme.

“The issue is Iran has nuclear activities,” Ahmadinejad said at the time. “They will be halted when they abide by international obligations.”

Last month Israel’s Atomic Energy Commission said it has found that Iran has decided to embark on a nuclear weapons project.

Syria, which the United States accuses of helping Iran pursue its nuclear programme, has not said whether it has stopped work on weapons-related projects.Q:

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