Easy NIC Test: FastSend Crack X64

Easy NIC Test: FastSend is a lightweight and easy to use application that you can use to test your network interface card.
All you have to do is choose the packet length, customize the MAC and press the ‘Send’ button.







Easy NIC Test: FastSend Crack+ 2022 [New]

Easy NIC Test: FastSend is a lightweight and easy to use application that you can use to test your network interface card.
All you have to do is choose the packet length, customize the MAC and press the ‘Send’ button.
Easy NIC Test: FastSend is licensed under the GNU GPL, version 2 or later.

Release: 0.4.5
Architecture: i386
Development Build


Easy NIC Test: FastSend Crack+ Free [Updated] 2022

This application has many features including:
* Round Trip Time: you can see the RTT of the network in milliseconds
* Number of retries to help you to find out a possible failure in the network
* IPV6: you can check the correct network address of the packets
* ICMP ping: you can test whether your network card is able to receive ICMP ping
* RTP ping: you can check the RTT of RTP ping test
* FAST check: you can check the number of MB/s send through network
* Bandwith check: you can check the bandwidth of the network
* IPV4 and IPV6 checks: you can check the network in both IPv4 and IPv6
* MAC unique: you can check whether the network card use the MAC unique
* UDP checks: you can check whether UDP application/protocol works
* TCP checks: you can check whether TCP application/protocol works
* SSH checks: you can check whether SSH application/protocol works
* Unknown checks: you can check whether unknown application/protocol works
* Linux Kernel Error Checks: you can check the Linux Kernel error while sending the packets
* Changing MAC: you can change the MAC address of the network card
* Use hotspot shield: you can use hotspot shield
* Support IPv6: IPv6 is supported: IPV6 check: you can check the IPv6 address of the packets
IPV6 Check:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend Crack For Windows to check the accuracy of the IPv6 network address of the packets
MAC check:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check the MAC address of the packets
Bandwidth check:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check the bandwidth of the network
RTT check:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check the RTT of the network
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check the RTT of the ICMP ping
RTP ping:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check the RTT of the RTP ping
FAST check:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check the MB/s speed sent through the network
IPV4 Checks:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to check whether the network is available in IPv4 address
IPV6 Checks:
You can use Easy NIC Test: FastSend to

Easy NIC Test: FastSend Crack + Product Key

Easy NIC Test: FastSend is a lightweight and easy to use application that you can use to test your network interface card. All you have to do is choose the packet length, customize the MAC and press the ‘Send’ button. This application works by simulating real traffic on your network interface, which will generate lots of information in the screen that you can analyze.

Comments, Questions or Suggestions?

If you have a question or suggestion about our software, don’t hesitate to contact us.
We’ll get back to you as soon as possible.
Feel free to use our website to get some more informations on the software or read one of our articles:Eliza Christakis

Eliza Christakis (born April 28, 1967) is a Greek sport shooter. She competed in the women’s 10 m air pistol event at the 1996 Summer Olympics.


Category:1967 births
Category:Living people
Category:Greek female sport shooters
Category:Olympic shooters of Greece
Category:Shooters at the 1996 Summer Olympics
Category:Place of birth missing (living people)
Category:Shooters at the 2004 Summer OlympicsBy


Blog Roll

The Big Apple Told To $hut Up And Hug Itself

Aug 10th 2013

The Big Apple issued a report on gun violence that sounds like a paean to an all-powerful police force.

In order to make the case that the city needs more police officers, the NYPD released a report today on its efforts to solve gun crimes. The report was the work of Commissioner Ray Kelly, and it opens with a statement on progress thus far in 2013. “The Gun Cites System, which has been active since 2007, has dramatically reduced the incidence of violent crime,” says the commissioner. “Many fewer guns were recovered from street crime and the firearms surrendered to the police were more likely to be in working order.”

The report then details “the program’s impact on the city’s violence,” and its analysis begins by pointing out that the government has been working against the current numbers in ways which undermine its own stated intent. “Studies show that the presence of a confidential informant, or ‘CI,’ in the illegal gun market decreases the probability that a recovered firearm will be traced by the NYPD as it decreases the quantity of illicit firearms in circulation.”

You have to dig deep into the report to find this finding (and you’ll have to read it in

What’s New In Easy NIC Test: FastSend?

After you choose your packet length and setup the required MAC for your computer or server, Easy NIC Test FastSend will generate an HTTP request and send it through your network interface. When your server receives this request, it will answer with a response so that you can see the success or failure of your network.

As it’s a simple application, it’s easy to use and has a number of features:

Packet length is between  1.063.5K and  1.097.5K packets or between 6.125 kB and 6.567 kB (with the packet length multiplier or between 6.25kB and 7.5kB)

Packet size may be between  1.063.5K and  1.097.5K bytes

Advertise any packet length (while the packet length is constant)

Provide a simple interface to display the request and response

The response packet will be sent with a timestamp

Packet generation starts after the setup completes


1. To send a 0 byte packet, simply choose the following options (check boxes):

(Then choose a packet length from the following list and click the “Send” button.)

2. To send a packet size of 100 bytes, choose the following options:

(Check the box for “Advertise packet size”.)

(Then choose a packet length from the following list and click the “Send” button.)

You will see the following in the application:

3. The response packet has a timestamp.

4….and if everything goes OK, you will see a HTTP 200 OK web page come back from your server.

Easy NIC Test: FastSend Visual Example:

Easy NIC Test: FastSend with time reporting (by packet length):

Easy NIC Test: FastSend with progress reporting (by packet length):

5. Time + Progress Packets:

6. By packet length:

7. By size:

8….and a progress bar showing the percentage completion:

Easy NIC Test: FastSend Website:

What’s New in Easy NIC Test: FastSend?
The easiest application to use to test network interface card performance on fast networks.

Easy NIC Test: FastSend Screenshots:


Easy NIC


System Requirements For Easy NIC Test: FastSend:

Windows PC:
Operating System:
Windows 10 64-bit (Windows 7, 8.1 or Windows 8)
Intel Core i3 or AMD Athlon 64 X2 or later
Intel HD4000 or AMD/ATI equivalent or NVIDIA Geforce GT220 or better (AMD Radeon™ HD 7850 or better)
Version 11
Hard Drive:
10 GB free hard drive space


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