Eyes Of The Sphinx Bookl ((TOP)) 🤜

Eyes Of The Sphinx Bookl ((TOP)) 🤜

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Eyes Of The Sphinx Bookl

Marat tells her a story about the hero who killed the fire-breathing dragon. Everyone knows that the fire-breathing dragons are the gate-keepers and the monster-slayers and the protectors, and he knows that. The dragon-slayers, as Marat calls them, are the only ones who can speak to the Sphinx. The story seems to be about each dragon-slayer, Marats says, for the Gatekeepers, its about the dragons, and for the monster-slayers its about the monsters.

In Garrtas Sphinx, the narrators world is as much about the eyes as it is about words, as it is about the worlds of words and eyes. The narrator s/he is witnessing the story, and that s/he is the story.

In the novel, the author uses a brief story involving a dead body to explain the heart to a young woman, at the end of the tale of a woman in love with A***. This story sets in motion a change in the narration, which soon becomes as much about the eyes as about the words. The young woman looks at the body as it lies before her, and her expression changes. She is falling in love. Her eyes tell the dead mans story.

This story relates to death in ways that seem to escape the physical realm. The first is in the line that begins the story: Les yeux du mort… sans regard me regardaient; The dead mans eyes… didnt regard me with regard, nor was there any reaction. It is as if the person who is dead cannot see the viewer s/he is. Perhaps the eyes of the corpse are blind, perhaps that is why they are staring at the observer. In the opening chapter, the narrator watches a cat that is seducing a dead bird. Eventually, the cat and bird are the same person. It is as if the narrator has been watching the narrator watching, and that s/he has been watching us. It is the narrator watching the narrator, the narrator is watching the narrator, and the dead are watching us.

They take the Sphinx back to her room in the tower. She doesnt want to kill herself or let them. They can feel the blasts again, and they can see the horrible chambers around the tower. Senlin notices a giant plant in one corner of the ring.
Adam explains his plan. He found the Sphinx lying on its side in the pit, surrounded by a thousand voices. However, Adam was the only voice that was coherent. He couldnt tell if the Sphinx was speaking, but he could tell she didnt speak like any other voice hed ever heard. He followed her through the jungle and eventually caught up with her.
The Sphinx is in his head. He calls her Athene. She demands Senlin do her bidding, and to steal his power. They have an odd conversation. Senlin eventually says yes. The Sphinx brings Edith to him to replace the Eye of the Sphinx. She leaves with Edith as she was about to say “no”. Adam is free from the Sphinx and runs into the city. Edith takes over for the Sphinx and Senlin follows.
Senlin goes with the Sphinx to the western portion of his prison and leads him to Marya. She comes out of the hatch as they approach. Senlin tells her not to speak; only communicate with nods. The Sphinx agrees. They have a brief conversation. The Sphinx says Marya is free to walk away. Marya hesitates.
Senlin goes into the den of the Sphinx and says he understands that the Sphinx is a great person who has done more for his people than any other. He offers his life for the race. The Sphinx says he plans on using it, asking him to do more great work on the Ornithopter.
Senlins approach to this book makes him dizzy as an effect of the high altitude, but now he finally learns the answer to his condition. He ate crumb without knowing it. The book was there all along, next to the beer-me-go-round. So he has been high on crumb without realizing it. The Sphinx has been playing with him. This explains all the weird anomalies of the past, Senlin realizations and new inventions. Senlins not realizing he was high on crumb.


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