Fallout 4 Custom Ini Download ##VERIFIED##

Fallout 4 Custom Ini Download ##VERIFIED##

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Fallout 4 Custom Ini Download

if you’re using a mod that has a folder of files, you’ll need to go into each and set the value accordingly. there’s a giant “customoptions” file in each folder. if you’re unsure of the name of the file, right-click and “show contents” to view it. you can then find the appropriate variable that you need to modify.

if you’ve used a mod before, this should be a fairly easy process. if it’s a mod you’ve never used, however, that’s where you’re going to need to look through some forums and try to figure out the actual name of the file. once you’ve figured out what you need to change, it should be a fairly simple process.

once you have all of that worked out, save the ini file and load it. you’ll then have a play with the mod. if it works, it will remain in the ini, if it doesn’t work, you’ll have to remove the ini, un-install the mod, and then re-install the mod. you’ll also want to save the new ini file. this is simply the ini file you should save in case something goes terribly wrong and you’re looking for a clean slate. this is fairly easy to do with a text editor.

once you’re familiar with the ini and all of your settings, you’ll be able to save a new ini file as a backup. this way, if something goes wrong, you can simply load the saved ini file and get back to where you were. this could be the most useful tip you get while tinkering with fallout 4 if you’ve got a ton of mods installed.

great to see some positive feedback on the mod, i haven’t been putting any effort into checking if it works until now. i’ll try to turn off the scaleform presets in my mod and see what that does.
scaling in f4 is always a problem until the devs can address the situation, so i’m just kinda ‘working in the dark’ when it comes to how scaleform and my mod interact.
if there’s anything that i should be doing for f4, let me know. thanks!

if youre going to use a lot of mods, youll want to make sure your game has plenty of free space. to make sure you have free space available on your main drive, click the configure file space icon on the main menu.
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at level 2, your sentry will be able to be placed in the vats and the vats will still use the at level 2 health. note that this will prevent the sentry from firing in the vats, but it will still allow it to be affected by enemy weapons fire.
on windows, you can access the folder by searching for the game in your start menu, hitting control-shift-f, then enter. for instance, fallout 4 can be accessed by pressing alt-f and choosing the data option from the menu.


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