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In the above output, you can see the entire output is printed in different rows as the search terms was passed in the command prompt.
2. Capture output in a file
In order to capture entire output in a file, you can use the following command.
gedit test.txt
gedit test.txt

Above command opens a new file test.txt.
In this file, the following output is captured.

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This writer knows him only as “Black Phantom”, but he was one of the most important figures in the nation’s fight against slavery. As a southern slave he was sold on the North Carolina plantation of his former owners. He escaped and became a slave catcher, then a bounty hunter and then an abolitionist. He organized the underground railroad between Baltimore and Philadelphia, setting up liberation stations along the way.

This is a story of a young woman seeking a spiritual awakening and a way of life that is not mired in the world’s conventions. Her story provides a glimpse into her personal journey and that of her fellow believers through a series of encounters and revelations. The story deals with women of the Bible, and takes place in various countries and places of history, including Jerusalem and Alexandria, Egypt.

A class takes a field trip to the Loire Valley of France, a gorgeous area dotted with famous chateaux and historic sites, including the great stone fortress of Chambord, the world-famous monastery at Fontainebleau, and a French villa-turned-museum at Château de Versailles.

12 Years a Slave, directed by Steve McQueen, is the true story of Solomon Northup, a free black man who was kidnapped, taken to the south, and sold into slavery in 1841. The film chronicles the Civil War and his nine years of enslavement in Louisiana, before his enslavement in Washington D.C. and eventual release in New York. This film tells the story in an emotional, dramatic and raw fashion. It is told from the perspective of Solomon and his three owners: Edwin Epps (Chiwetel Ejiofor), Ford (Paul Dano), and Kale (Paul Giamatti).National Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine

The National Institute of Rehabilitation


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Docker is a tool for developers and sys admins to create, ship, and run applications à rétroéro. Docker’s containerized applications are deployed faster, easier and better secured. They are lightweight, portable and contain everything required to run the application à rétroéro.
Docker is a tool for developers and sys admins to create, ship, and run applications at scale. Docker container technology is helping organizations,from à rétroéro. Docker container technology is helping organizations from small to enterprise, create a fast, scalable, and secure development and deployment environment based on Open Source tools. Docker container technology also allows you to take advantage of existing infrastructure and tools that are designed to run software at scale.
Docker containers are lightweight containers that run using Linux. These containers run applications with their dependencies, allowing you to package up a web service, database, or application, and ensure that it runs the same way everywhere. Docker containers are modular, which means that you can easily run different versions of a service on the same server.
Docker containers are portable, meaning they can be run anywhere Linux or Windows can run.
Docker containers are secure, meaning they can run even on untrusted servers. As a result, you can run Docker containers on à rétroéro. containers on untrusted servers. They can also be executed on servers without dedicated à rétroéro. Docker containers are based on open source technologies, which makes it possible to go from idea to production quickly.
When you need to quickly spin up a web server for testing or development, you should try using Docker instead of à rétroéro. you instead, replace individual software components, such as database servers and
Docker combines application containers à rétroéro.
Docker combines application containers à rétroéro. Docker runs containers on Linux à rétroéro. Docker runs containers on Linux à rétroéro. Docker provides a way to run containers on à rétroéro. Docker provides a way to run containers on à rétroéro.

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