Kaiserreich Spanish Civil War

Kaiserreich Spanish Civil War


Kaiserreich Spanish Civil War

Following King Alfonso’s departure, the political situation in Spain became increasingly violent, with the Nationalists moving closer to fascism and the Liberals pushing for a stronger involvement in anti-communist politics. The Nationalist leader was Genaro Primo de Rivera, with Genaro’s younger brother Manuel serving as his Cabinet and the heads of the Army and Navy. In response to the rising Nationalist movement, the Government of the Spanish Autonomy established the Royal Spanish Fascist Confederation in April 1932, declaring the monarchy as the core power of the new governing body. The new government was to be headed by Prime Minister Genaro de los Ríos, with an inner cabinet of Fascist figures which would ultimately prove disastrous in the wake of the Civil War. Seeing no viable alternative, on 1st February 1936 King Alfonso XIII fled Madrid, then one of the few cities in the country still under Nationalist control. Concurrently, the Rif War had been dragging on, with the Spanish General Staff finally discovering that the Rifs were unable to be defeated by force of numbers alone, something that was immediately understood by the Comité Central and finally brought to the attention of Genaro de los Ríos in January 1936. In the ensuing months, Madrid had become an increasingly hostile city as the republicans moved to a more militant stance, with a national march-in planned for April that was quickly crushed in the streets. The nation erupted into conflict on 17th July when the Nationalist government declared a martial law, before finally calling for the dissolution of the Cortes on 13th October. On that same day General Francisco Franco organised a counter-coup, immediately sending Genaro de los Ríos, Francisco Franco’s bodyguard Pedro de Valenzuela and 1,000 loyal troops to arrest the Republican leader. Genaro de los Ríos offered a truce to the government of the Spanish Autonomy, giving them 36 hours to accept before troops loyal to Franco invaded the city and effectively ended the entire process.

Espaa is a country largely located on the Iberian Peninsula in southwestern Europe, with archipelagos in the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, as well as colonial possessions in Africa. The Spanish mainland is bordered to the South and East by the Mediterranean Sea; to the North and Northeast by the Commune of France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the West and Northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean.
With the crushing defeat at Rif, Alfonso XIII abdicated and named young prince of Bourbon prince Carlos de Bourbon, Duke of Anjou as his successor, initiating a brief constitutional monarchy. However, the monarchical system was a sham, and Carlos was also an ardent monarchist and would become a royalist in the coming years. In opposition to Carlos was the representative of the Rifs, Mufti of the Rif, Abd el-Krim, who, unwilling to see Spain in the hands of another foreign dynasty ruled by the French, wanted to preserve the Moorish heritage of Spain through a civil war. Communal Government was declared in May 1924, with Abd el-Krim becoming the first Commune leader. The Commune was a highly centralized, left wing regime and it largely failed, with the Spanish cavalry under Dhammad ibn Nasser taking advantage of the strong Spanish colonial army to capture most of the territory. In the face of this Abd el-Krim would retreat to Morocco, though he soon returned to fight the Spanish and regain most of the territory. A decisive victory at Araucania was a turning point for Abd el-Krim, with the Spanish government now desperate to avoid having another war with Spain.


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