Longman Reading Anthology Red Series 4 Answer

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Longman Reading Anthology Red Series 4 Answer

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in the post-industrial society it would appear marxs predictions of the separation of labourer from their means of production rings true. however, in the hidden corners of british society exists the small-scale craft businesses who continue to maintain their creative means of production. the challenge that now faces such groups is negotiating the path between business survival and creative production. neither fitting neatly into the capitalist machine nor the utopian socialist notions of creativity, crafters appear to be alone in the world. nevertheless, what they have achieved is a new space, an indefinable abstract one carefully avoiding the homogenising forces of competing ideologies. but how can such spaces be explored the answer may lie in the post-structuralist work of gilles deleuze and his concept of the body without organs. this piece is not about defining crafting space but opening the potentials of chaos within them.

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the interview is written by tobias heidersbach, a writer and storyteller who used to teach english at a christian private school in north rhine-westphalia. he recently moved to london and worked at the legacy films on three doctor who videos for the charity, which are available for free online, and was involved with the great courses about the series and the show’s production. he tells the tale of having watched the first two episodes of the first season at school, and getting his entire class to watch them too.
the first episode of doctor who, “an unearthly child,” was shown on bbc television on september 23, 1963. it was the first regular series to be shown since the second world war ended and the death of winston churchill. it was also the first time that a television audience was exposed to the new “mood” in british culture. it was a time of growing cultural disenchantment and uncertainty. this was reflected in the doctor’s first speech to the audience in which he expressed his dismay at seeing a “mood of unrest” in the land. there was also the sense that children were still traumatized by the war years, and doctor who was presented as a kind of surrogate parent who could offer a safe haven. the new series was a social experiment. it was not just a children’s series, but a national event. there was an atmosphere of national optimism in which the series itself was sold as a return to the ways of the past.
the first episode, “an unearthly child,” was directed by christopher challis. the producer was verity lambert, and the bbc had commissioned a lot of other features by that time. challis was the “first television director to make his debut on our screens.” he had previously worked on theatre, including the west end, as well as the bbc’s popular radio series the archers. he would go on to work on a lot of other classic bbc series, including doctor who, the avengers, blake’s 7, the prisoner, the two ronnies, whistle downe, the wombles, lovejoy and the black adder.


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