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Ok, sure, I’m the kind of woman who will keep up with the news, but not the kind who’ll watch every single episode of “Game of Thrones” and feel the need to follow every celebrity’s every move on social media.
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Sure, I’ll admit that I shop online for deals on technology and television, but I hardly ever click on a “Buy Now” button or add a specific item to my cart. I can still get a deal on something that I need, but it won’t have a deep discount or be at a small fraction of its original price. If I need the product, I’ll go to the actual brick-and-mortar store.Q:

How to throw an exception that is derived from an exception that is thrown by another method in Dart?

In some situations it is not acceptable for me to hit the database on a closed connection. I need to throw an exception that derives from the HttpException, but I’m getting a compile time error.
I haven’t even gotten to the part where I’m going to try to hit a database and it is not open yet.
How can I do this?


Doing this is not possible directly as there is no polymorphic behavior of code in Dart, but you can create a library with some specific error handling that can help you. You could look into this library.
The library does allow you to return your custom specific error when throw is used in a catch block. So that will be your option to get around it. If you don’t want to return a specific error and instead the generic error, check out the library’s built in error.
By the way, HttpException seems to be a solution for some specific situation and you shouldn’t use it for all errors. If you design your applications with specific error handling, such as returning your custom error, you may keep HttpException for their specific use only.

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