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“It appears, however, that the very term ‘LGBTI’ is of relatively recent origin. The term ‘transgender’ has been widely used since the 1960s, and has been used in publications of the United Nations (e.g., World Health Organisation, The United Nations Population Fund, 2009). Nevertheless, it is not strictly accurate to describe transgender issues as ‘LGBTI’, because transgender is not a disability or minority group. The term ‘sexual orientation’ has been widely adopted by the international community in the last decade, but this term has the same problem. Notably, there is no international ‘sexual minority’ umbrella group. The United Nations has used sexual orientation as a term of description, and not a term that denotes an identifiable group; indeed, the ‘sexual minority’ umbrella groups that have been set up in some parts of the world have now adopted sexual orientation as a term of description. However, neither the United Nations, nor the global community, has used ‘sexual minority’ to denote a disability or minority group.”

“It is therefore clear that the appellants’ claim is not based on a correct understanding of the term ‘LGBTI’, and neither is their claim based on the wrong interpretation of the term ‘discrimination’.”

S812 : Paragraph 12

“We are not persuaded by the appellants’ argument that the appellants’ identity as being a member of

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