Orion: The Eternal Punishment keygen generator Latest 🕴



The story of Orion is so unique that two projects of them came from West One Games independently: Orion and Orion Prime.

Saving the world from hellish nightmares happened to be Orion’s main task.

The one who called him used the words of the Divine One, the god of hunting – Artemis. I got this sword from the skies, from the god of hunt, from the goddess of love, from the god of justice, from the god of destruction and from the goddess of fertility. This is the sword of Orion.

With this sword, Orion fought the evil. He survived and many people of the city of Kaikos are still left. He’s the best killer of the air.

Sitting in the bottom of the sea, in the place of darkness, he fought the monsters of the void. He got their souls and he’s the greatest fisherman in the world.

Meet the people

Kill as many as you can, all the other people, the sea creatures, the void creatures. Think of every kind of weapon, think of every kind of ability, think about the bombs.

You will deal with

Underwater creatures and bosses

Fighting dangerous underwater environment

While fighting, it’s important to use abilities to ascend again, we need to come back to the ocean for that. Aim well, shoot well, remember your gadgets.

Collect orbs, get items, and make money with fishing so you can buy more items.

All you need to do is survive and dominate the world! Find the orbs, find the weapons, find the items, find the skills… so you can fulfill the orders, the contracts.

Save everyone and earn points, get gold, get trophies, get gold…

Travel the world

Use the abilities and the objects you found to go to different destinations.There are 3 areas, each of them has its own path and you can go to other paths by using the blue arrow. There are various objective types to fulfill. Different delivery approaches. Use the items from other areas and other road to fulfill.

You have to use abilities. You need the other abilities, in order to ascend.

The game is multi-level timed. You need to complete as many tasks as possible in a certain time. In order to do that, you need to carry items you want to use, from the bottom of the ocean to the exit door. You need to be careful about the depths,


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