Physical Chemistry Engel 3rd Edition Solution Manual ❗

Physical Chemistry Engel 3rd Edition Solution Manual ❗

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Physical Chemistry Engel 3rd Edition Solution Manual

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High-frequency radiofrequency neurotomy (RFN) with bipolar, double-pulse, radiofrequency (BPDA-RP) has been used to treat chronic neuropathic pain. However, few studies have evaluated safety and efficacy of this technique in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. We performed a study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of BPDA-RP in patients with leg and/or foot chronic neuropathic pain. This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was performed in 30 patients with chronic pain in the lower limb. Patients were randomized to treatment (n = 10) or placebo (n = 20) groups. Patients were evaluated at baseline (1 week before treatment), 4 weeks and 8 weeks after treatment. The primary efficacy outcome variable was global pain relief after 6 months. The secondary efficacy outcome variables were global pain relief after 4 and 8 weeks and the presence of side effects. Patients treated with BPDA-RP demonstrated significantly greater global pain relief than did the placebo group (P < 0.05). At the 4-week and 8-week follow-up assessments, significantly greater global pain relief was seen in the BPDA-RP group than in the placebo group. There


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