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I am sorry for it, but as I can’t comment, I post my answer as it seems I can’t comment for my answer, which might seem obvious now.
I don’t think this is the right place for “stupid” questions like this. A proper question would be for instance, where to start with solving a problem of Gertrude Stein.
But for real life, the answer is really simple:

You start by reading the pdf, see what it tells, what are the exercises (does it have exercises like some Math book?), and if you can’t answer the exercises, try to go back to the beginning of the pdf and work your way through until you are able to answer the exercises. It is not too hard to find “special” situations in the exercises, and if you still can’t solve it, you try to see what you can do.
Go on, you have a good way going.

I can’t tell you how many times I have found a problem solvable reading only few pages of the pdf, and then given up and asked myself “Why not even try it in a real computer?” and the next day I had a solution by reading a few less pages. And then I read the next pdf and get that stuck again.
On what you are asking, everything depends on what you have read. If you have read almost the entire book and you don’t understand it yet, you are at the beginning. If you have only read 10 pages and do not understand them, you are not there yet.
But keep in mind, that the number of pages you have read, is not how much you have understood. We have learned this by experience:

When you are at the beginning of a new book, you can only read a few pages and it seems like you have no clue what the book is about. When you have read

I looked at the source code, but I did not understand if in the program came a combination of integers or strings.


The problem is this line:
print “encontrei ” + ” “.join(words) + ” ”

” “.join(words) is a list of strings, each one with one word in it. print converts the list to a string with the entries separated by a space. The result is:
encontrei ‘encontrei’ ‘inve”solucionario”solucionario”so.

Edit: I think the problem is the order of operations: the string literals are evaluated first, then the multiplication. With:
>>>”.join([‘encontrei’, ‘inve’,’solucionario’,’solucionario’,’so ‘])
‘encontrei inve solucionario so ‘

The output is expected, because”.join([‘encontrei’, ‘inve’,’solucionario’,’solucionario’,’so ‘]) produces ‘encontrei inve so ‘.


Is there a limit for query on certain timestamps?

I have a query that gives me the amount of time something was updated, like:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tblupdate WHERE update_time >= ‘2011-01-01 00:00:00’ AND update_time SELECT * FROM tblupdate WHERE update_time = ‘2011-01-01 00:00:00’ ;
| update_time |
| 2011-01-01 |

mysql> SELECT * FROM tblupdate WHERE update_time = ‘2011-01-01 00:00:00’ LIMIT 1 ;

M. Kamal CPA P.C.
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