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Per the API documentation, the create_table method accepts an optional parameter set_expression. This will filter out the list of table columns, depending on the value of the parameter.
A common usage is to use the name of the table:
table.create_table(name=”posts”, force_unique=True)
table.create_table(name=”events”, force_unique=False)

This will only create a unique table named posts. Similarly, you could create unique tables with any name.
Keep in mind that this behavior will have the following effects:

When you create a table with multiple columns, the filter will remove all columns except the one you specify.
The columns that you specify as a parameter will only be allowed in a foreign key constraint definition.

The recommended usage is to create a table with a unique column and then specify the table name to use when you create additional tables.
def create_table(mongo, schema, dbname):
“””Create a MongoDB table in the schema and database of the given dbname”””
collection = dbname + “.” + schema


# Specify a unique index
# Use the dbname parameter as the column name
# and “_id” as the value
index = {‘dbname’: ‘_id’, ‘unique’: True}

mongo.db.create_index(collection, index)

So if you had a class Post which defines a unique id property called _id, you would create your table using the following code:
db.posts.create_table(name=”posts”, force_unique=True)
db.posts.create_table(name=”posts”, force_unique=False)

In the Post class, you could refer to your _id column directly and then define all of the fields for that table as foreign key columns.
The following example lets you get the name of the table that you specified. It will return something like posts.
def create_table(mongo, schema, dbname):
“””Create a MongoDB table in the schema and database of the given dbname”””
collection = dbname + “.” + schema


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