Wic Reset Utility Crack ((EXCLUSIVE)) V 2.22.0000.rarl

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Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl: The Ultimate Solution for Printer Problems

If you have a printer that is giving you trouble, such as showing error messages, printing blank pages, or not recognizing the ink cartridges, you might want to try Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl. This is a cracked version of Wic Reset Utility, a popular program that can reset the waste ink counters of your printer and make it work again. In this article, we will show you what Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl can do, how to download and install it, and some tips and tricks to use it effectively.

What is Wic Reset Utility?

Wic Reset Utility is a software that can reset the waste ink counters of your printer. The waste ink counters are the parts of your printer that keep track of how much ink is used and wasted during printing and cleaning cycles. When the waste ink counters reach a certain limit, your printer will stop working and show an error message, such as “Service required” or “Ink pads are at the end of their service life”. This is a safety measure to prevent the waste ink from overflowing and damaging your printer or your desk.

However, sometimes the waste ink counters may be inaccurate or too sensitive, and your printer may stop working even when there is still plenty of ink left. This can be very frustrating and costly, as you may need to buy a new printer or pay for a service technician to fix it. This is where Wic Reset Utility comes in handy. Wic Reset Utility can reset the waste ink counters of your printer and make it work again. It can also check the current status of your printer, such as the ink levels, the number of pages printed, and the firmware version.

What is Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl?

Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl is a cracked version of Wic Reset Utility 5.0.2, which is the latest version of the software as of this writing. A cracked version means that the software has been modified to bypass the license verification process and allow you to use it for free without paying for it. However, this also means that the software may not be safe or reliable, as it may contain viruses or malware that can harm your computer or steal your personal information. Therefore, we do not recommend using cracked software and we advise you to purchase the original version from the official website of WIC Reset. However, if you still want to try Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl at your own risk, we will show you how to download and install it in the next section.

How to Download and Install Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl?

Before you download and install Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl, you need to make sure that your computer meets the minimum system requirements for the software. According to the official website, you need to have:

If your computer meets these requirements, you can follow these steps to download and install Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl:

  1. Go to this website and click on the “Download” button.
  2. You will be redirected to another website where you need to complete a captcha verification and click on “Continue”.
  3. You will see a countdown timer and a “Get Link” button. Wait for the timer to finish and click on the button.
  4. You will be redirected to another website where you need to click on “Download Now”.
  5. You will see a pop-up window asking you to save the file. Choose a location on your computer where you want to save the file and click on “Save”.
  6. The file name will be “WICResetUtilityv502.zip”. This is a compressed file that contains the setup file and the crack file for Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl.
  7. You need to extract the compressed file using a program like WinRAR or 7-Zip. Right-click on the file and choose “Extract Here” or “Extract to WICResetUtilityv502/”.
  8. You will see two files: “WICResetUtilityv502.exe” and “WICResetUtilityv502Keygen.exe”. The first one is the setup file and the second one is the crack file.
  9. Double-click on the setup file and follow the instructions on the screen to install Wic Reset Utility on your computer.
  10. Do not launch Wic Reset Utility after installation.
  11. Double-click on the crack file and you will see a window with a “Generate” button.
  12. Click on the button and you will see a serial number.
  13. Copy the serial number and paste it into a text file or somewhere else where you can access it later.
  14. Launch Wic Reset Utility on your computer and you will see a window asking you to enter your email address and serial number.
  15. Enter any email address you want and paste the serial number that you copied earlier.
  16. Click on “OK” and you will see a message saying that your registration was successful.
  17. Congratulations! You have successfully installed Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl on your computer.

How to Use Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl?

Now that you have installed Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl on your computer, you might be wondering how to use it. In this section, we will give you some tips and tricks to help you get started with the software and reset your printer.

Resetting Your Printer

The main function of Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl is to reset the waste ink counters of your printer and make it work again. You can do this in a few simple steps:

  1. Connect your printer to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Launch Wic Reset Utility on your computer and you will see a window with a list of supported printers.
  3. Select the model of your printer from the list and click on “OK”.
  4. You will see another window with several tabs, such as “Read Waste Counters”, “Reset Waste Counters”, “Check Status”, and “Ink Charge”.
  5. Go to the “Read Waste Counters” tab and click on the “Read” button. You will see the current values of the waste ink counters of your printer.
  6. If the values are above 100%, it means that your printer needs to be reset. Go to the “Reset Waste Counters” tab and click on the “Reset” button. You will see a message asking you to confirm the reset.
  7. Click on “Yes” and wait for a few seconds. You will see a message saying that the reset was successful.
  8. Go back to the “Read Waste Counters” tab and click on the “Read” button again. You will see that the values have been reset to 0%.
  9. Turn off your printer and disconnect it from your computer.
  10. Turn on your printer and test it by printing a test page or any document.

You have successfully reset your printer using Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl. You can repeat these steps whenever your printer shows an error message or stops working due to the waste ink counters.

Checking Your Printer Status

Another function of Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl is to check the current status of your printer, such as the ink levels, the number of pages printed, and the firmware version. You can do this in a few simple steps:

  1. Connect your printer to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Launch Wic Reset Utility on your computer and select the model of your printer from the list.
  3. Go to the “Check Status” tab and click on the “Check” button. You will see a window with various information about your printer, such as:
    • The model name and serial number of your printer
    • The firmware version of your printer
    • The ink levels of each color cartridge
    • The number of pages printed in black and color
    • The number of cleaning cycles performed
    • The number of fatal errors occurred
  4. You can use this information to monitor the performance and health of your printer.

Ink Charging Your Printer

The last function of Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl is to ink charge your printer. This is a process that fills up the ink tubes and nozzles of your printer with fresh ink. This can improve the print quality and prevent clogging or drying of the ink system. You can do this in a few simple steps:

  1. Connect your printer to your computer using a USB cable.
  2. Launch Wic Reset Utility on your computer and select the model of your printer from the list.
  3. Go to the “Ink Charge” tab and click on the “Ink Charge” button. You will see a message asking you to confirm the ink charge.
  4. Click on “Yes” and wait for a few minutes. You will see a message saying that the ink charge was successful.
  5. Turn off your printer and disconnect it from your computer.
  6. Turn on your printer and test it by printing a test page or any document.

You have successfully ink charged your printer using Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl. You can repeat this process whenever you change or refill your ink cartridges or when you notice a decline in print quality.


As we mentioned earlier, Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl is a cracked version of Wic Reset Utility 5.0.2, which means that it may not be safe or reliable. Therefore, you may encounter some problems or errors while using the software. Here are some common issues and solutions that you may find helpful:

If none of these solutions work for you, you may need to contact the customer support of WIC Reset and ask for help. However, they may not be able to help you if you are using a cracked version of their software. Therefore, we strongly recommend that you purchase the original version of Wic Reset Utility from their official website and enjoy its full features and benefits without any risks or problems.


In this article, we have shown you what Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl can do, how to download and install it, and some tips and tricks to use it effectively. We have also warned you about the potential risks and problems of using a cracked version of Wic Reset Utility and advised you to purchase the original version from the official website of WIC Reset. We hope that this article has been helpful and informative for you and that you have learned something new about Wic Reset Utility Crack V 2.22.0000.rarl. Thank you for reading and happy printing!



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